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Reign 掌管

國外詩歌 / JPCC Worship

曲名: Reign 掌管 詞曲:Ignathea Hillebrandt,Andre Hermanto, Gianni Messah JPCC Worship We look up for the glory that rains down//我們仰望從天澆灌的榮耀 Eyes in awe for the wonder He has done//定睛敬畏主施行的奇事 For a lifetime we've searched and found You are//我們一生尋求 發現祢就是 The one true God//獨一真神 The one true God//獨一真神 Our majesty King of all kings//尊貴主 萬王之王 Reign in our hearts take over our lives//在我們心中作王//掌管我們一生 We glorify//我們榮耀 We glorify Your name//我們榮耀祢聖名 Your kingdom come Your will be done//祢的國降臨 祢的旨意成就 Reign over us with power and love//以大能大愛 掌管我們 We glorify//我們榮耀 We glorify Your name//我們榮耀祢聖名 Your splendor appears like break of dawn//祢的榮光如晨曦發亮 Creation bow down on their knees//萬物都屈膝跪拜 For a lifetime declaring that You are//一生之久 宣告祢就是 The one true God//獨一真神 The one true God//獨一真神 We exalt You//我們高舉祢 We exalt You//我們高舉祢 We exalt You and honor You with praise//我們高舉祢 頌讚尊榮祢

影片上架日期: 2023年8月9日