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每日音符 歌詞版 / 黃友聞

美麗翱翔 Beauty Arise 作詞:黃友聞 Melody Hwang 作曲:黃友聞 Melody Hwang - 華語歌詞 求你容我得見你的容面 使我得聽見你美妙音弦 你秀美甘甜 惹愛無限 無比的獨特 你就如一首 美麗的詩歌 沁我心田 你為何澆滅心中的烈焰 豈不知你的潛能是無限 你退縮隱藏 擔憂失望 親愛的 敞開心 你佳美 無比 在我的心中 無人代替 看哪 冬天已往 看哪 百花齊放 是時候 展開翅膀 飛 興起 散發生命光芒 抬起頭 向藍天 莫回首 擊穹蒼 往上騰 展翅飛 美麗翱翔 美麗翱翔 美麗翱翔 親愛的 你可知道 你甚美麗 你甚美麗 你甚美麗 你甚美麗 - English lyrics Why do you hide your face from being seen? Why do you keep your voice from being free? For your face is lovely, your voice is sweet You beauty is unique You carry a tune inside you that only you can release Why do you quench the fire in your heart? You are much stronger than you think you are You hide in your shell, afraid to break out But darling here’s the truth: No one could ever be a more perfect, beautiful you See the winter is gone Behold, the springtime has come! Oh, it's time, spread your wings and fly It's time, beauty to arise Open your eyes, take the skies Don't look back, hit the gas! Beauty soar, beauty fly, beauty arise! Beauty arise Beauty arise Darling, don't you know that… You're beautiful, you're beautiful You're beautiful, you're beautiful - 演唱:黃友聞 Melody Hwang

影片上架日期: 2022年3月1日